This time last year, "Zoom Fatigue" was a little-known phrase. Fast-forward a year and it has become a universally understood phenomenon. The rapid shift to remote work and learning has caused us to become more reliant on technology than ever before, with many people spending over half the day on connected devices. Research has found that a third of people find unplugging after work is the most significant challenge of working remotely.
6 min read
Top tech tips to transform your productivity and well-being
By Amy Blankson on January 19, 2021 at 4:43 PM
Topics: Training People Management Employee Support
3 min read
3 initiatives that infuse DE&I into the DNA of your company
By Natasha DeJesus on January 6, 2021 at 10:00 AM
We believe retention is directly connected to how well employees feel supported and heard. Your Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) strategy is an authentic way to foster these feelings and keep more employees on staff. Enhancing DE&I efforts is not just a trend, but also a necessary way for your business to attract and keep talented people during this time of global uncertainty.
Topics: Staffing Engagement People Management Employee Support DE&I
3 min read
Setting fearlessly positive resolutions for your teams in 2021
By Amy Blankson on December 30, 2020 at 11:00 AM
If you let out a sigh of exasperation when you think about setting New Year’s resolutions, you are not alone. Last year when I jotted down my resolutions they sounded just like any other year: try to lose a few pounds, get up earlier, be a better parent. Quite frankly, they bored me!
Topics: Training People Management Employee Support
6 min read
Three strategies to lead teams through pandemic stress
By Amy Blankson on December 11, 2020 at 1:24 PM
Topics: Talent Mobility People Management Employee Support
12 min read
6 strategies to help employees digitally flourish in an uncertain world
By Amy Blankson on December 1, 2020 at 8:00 AM
Topics: Talent Mobility People Management Employee Support
4 min read
Tops tips to keep your employees happy in the new world of work
By Deb Volzer on September 23, 2020 at 10:00 AM
The media is flooded with talk about how much the workplace is changing – with more focus on remote working, automation and e-commerce than ever before – but one aspect of our working world that will remain constant is the need for employees to be satisfied and engaged. That’s why, despite all the disruption of Coronavirus, we’re celebrating International Week of Happiness at Work and thinking about what organizations can be doing right now to give their employees the best possible experience, every day.
Topics: Upskilling Reskilling Engagement
3 min read
3 Ways that UPskilling is an Effective Alternative to DOWNsizing.
By Deb Volzer on September 3, 2020 at 6:45 AM
Winning companies consistently show similar traits in their operations that contribute to success. Key among them is the implementation of a strong learning culture. Even in times of crisis or a downturn in the economy, these organizations recognize the importance of upskilling their workforce to keep existing talent relevant and their companies competitive.
Topics: Upskilling Reskilling
3 min read
3 Ways an Organization Can Turn a Crisis into an Opportunity to be Better, Stronger, and More Innovative.
By Natasha DeJesus on August 27, 2020 at 7:15 AM
At some point, every organization faces a major event that tests its “bouncebackability”.
Topics: Upskilling Reskilling
3 min read
Could Upskilling Be the Answer to the U.S. Nurse Shortage?
By Deb Volzer on August 20, 2020 at 1:21 PM
For decades now, the U.S. has been facing a mounting crisis in healthcare. There are not enough nurses, and specifically Registered Nurses (RNs), to meet increasing need. Nurses make up 50% of the healthcare workforce and by 2022, nursing will be the most in demand profession in the U.S. With a physician shortage projected to reach 46,900 to 121,900 by 2032, nurses are increasingly being tapped to fill gaps in care. All this would appear to bode well for career security in the nursing field, so why are there not enough nursing practitioners prepared to meet patient demand?
Topics: Upskilling Reskilling
3 min read
3 Talent Strategies Your Company Should Follow in an Economic Crisis
By Deb Volzer on August 13, 2020 at 11:17 AM
During an economic downturn most organizations look at ways to tighten budgets and reduce spending. Unfortunately, layoffs are too often used as a first layer cost-cutting measure. While the severity of a downturn as well as the industry an organization inhabits can make downsizing inevitable, this article explores three scenarios in which an alternative approach may be applied.